Monday, April 14, 2008

thoughts of the day

So, I went and started a blog. Funny, the things people do when they've had a couple of cocktails.
I guess this is as good a place as any to vent my frustrations. Lord knows my husband is tired of me venting on him.
So here goes.
This morning on the news they said that 80% of all emails are SPAM! Ok, fair enough statistic. It's only logical that in this age of electronics that junk mail would eventually give way to junk e-mail. What I take issue with is the use of the word SPAM to describe said junk e-mail.
SPAM is a tasty, tasty pork product that never hurt any body! I just don't get why anyone would use the word SPAM to describe something they don't like. I mean, c'mom everybody likes SPAM. Sure people make jokes about SPAM being "trailer-park-T-bone" but secretly they really love it! It's just one of those guilty pleasures we all hide.
Now I can see how it could be a bothersome thing if a person actually sent you a can of SPAM with a message like, Forward this tasty lunchmeat to ten people in the next 5 minutes and you will recieve a blessing today. or This lunchmeat wants to give you a FREE laptop!!
So now the Hormel meat company has this product thats been around forever and now it has lended it's name to describe junk e-mail. How confusing must it be at the offices of Hormel Meats when sending and recieving e-mails. Especially if the subject line reads Re: SPAM, or Re: Spam about SPAM
The point I am making is that people should choose there words carefully because there is no telling how often those words might be repeated. You never know what innocent word or phrase may become popular slang or even a noteworthy catchphrase not unlike "That's hot." , "Crack is wack" , or even "I've fallen and I can't get up!!!!!"
I'd love to rant more on the subject but you get the idea.

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